Windows Client Deployment for non-admin users

Windows Client Deployment for non-admin users

This document describes steps to deploy NG Client on Windows system for non-admin users. non-admin users will not be able to install Wieguard based NG Client. Admin can login to their system and execute steps mentioned below to install Agent.

Option 1 : Install NG Client

Install Exium based application

  1. Download latest PowerShell script from here
  2. Open the PowerShell terminal as Admin and run it as shown below. 

Option 2 : Install NG Client with configuration file 

  1. Download latest PowerShell script from here
  2. Open the PowerShell terminal as Admin and run it with as shown below. This will download and install Ng Client. Also, it will download the configuration Filé. It will be downloaded at path “C:\Users\<CurrentUser>\Downloads”. Conf Filename will be in format workspace-username-win.conf 
  3. Run as Admin as shown below. 

Step 2:  Enable UI for Non-Admin users 

Non-admin users will not have UI access or they will not be able connect/disconnect the client. if This option need to provided to non-admin users following steps to be executed.

  • Download the script from here  
  • Open the PowerShell as Admin and Run as below. Pass the username as argument to script as shown below, we can pass multiple user space separated to script. This will enable UI access to non admin users. Non-Admin user will be able to open Wireguard UI and able to do Activate/Deactivate the tunnel.